MAGHABERRY woman has helped organise a conference on the effect
of microwaves produced by Wi Fi devices.
worker Susan Kyle assisted Wi Fi campaigner Walter Graham in
arranging the event last week in Stormont, which was hosted by
MLA Jim Shannon.
The main focus of discussions was on the use
of Wi Fi in schools.
A Swedish Professor of Neuroscience. O11e
Johansson, told the audience that children are having their
health put at risk from wireless computer networks in schools.
Mrs Kyle said: "1 had the opportunity to
spend some time with the Professor away from the official
meetings where I was able to discuss his work in greater detail.
"He believes it is very important we take the
reports he discussed seriously and take any steps we can to
reduce our exposure to these micro waves by using cabling
instead of Wi Fi, reducing our contact with mobile phones and
DECT phones.
"Despite receiving 25 serious death threats
the Professor continues to travel around the world to discuss
his findings and actually flew in from Paris were he had been
giving talks to French parents and teachers who have the same
concerns as we have."
Ian Thompson, Principal of Ballinderry
Primary explained recently why he had the Wi Fi switched off in
his school.
He said concerns were first raised by
parents. "The department and the board assured us it was
safe but when I looked into both sides of the
argument I came to the conclusion that the only safe approach
was to remove it."
Ben Finlay, a Riverdale Primary School P7
pupil who attended the event in the Long Gallery, commented:
"The conference was quite mind boggling,
especially the part were the Professor said if you have 24 hours
exposure to microwaves it is like having 1600 chest x-rays." Ulster Star