Women from Old Warren celebrated their achievements with
Community Worker Francis Ferris, Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey
Donaldson, MLA Jonathan Craig, Alderman Ivan Davis, Alderman
Paul Porter and Councillor Jenny Palmer
THE womens' training groups within Old Warren
have been growing in numbers since the opening of the new
Laganview Centre on the estate. Therefore it was fitting that
the women decided to hold their latest Celebration of
Achievements evening in the Community Hall within the Centre.
It proved an ideal setting for the event as
over fifty women gathered to receive their certificates.
There to see the efforts of the women rewarded
were Jeffrey Donaldson MR Jonathan Craig MLA, Councillor Jenny
Palmer, Alderman Paul Porter and Alderman Ivan Davis.
Representing the Training for Women funding body was Karen
Sweeny with Julita Jarutiene a talented artist from Lithuania,
who has held workshops for many of the women, also showing her
support. Francie Ferris, Training Officer with Old Warren
Community Association, outlined the wide range of courses
undertaken by the women before handing over to Karen Sweeny to
make the presentations.
Prior to handing over the certificates Karen
described her personal educational journey which everyone found
In closing the ceremony Old Warren Community Associations
Management Committee recognised the funding from the European
Unions Peace Programme which had made the programme of courses
Ulster Star