police will be cracking down on drink drivers this Christmas as
part of their annual drink drive campaign.
Local Officers have been deployed the latest
electronic breath testing devices that records and stores
information on a central computer system.
To catch drink drivers they will also take
part in a series of robust operations with specialist Tactical
Support Groups and officers from Road Policing Command Units
that will run a series of operations throughout the day and
night, in the weeks leading up to Christmas and into the New
Last year 629 people were arrested throughout
Northern Ireland for drink driving with 3,800 detected for drink
driving so far this
Chief Inspector David Moore, Lisburn Area
Commander said the figures were disgraceful and urged drivers to
act responsibily. "Sadly, police officers regularly witness the
results of drinking and driving," he said.
"It kills, maims, wrecks families and
communities, so I am appealing for all motorists to consider the
consequences of their actions
"Think about the consequences to yourself and
your family of being involved in a serious collision.
"How would you feel if your selfish actions
resulted in you or one of your family being paralysed? How would
you feel if some innocent person was killed?"
Chief Inspector Moore continued: "I do not
want officers knocking on doors at any time of the year, but
especially over Christmas and the New Year, to tell families
that a loved one has been killed on the roads.
Lagan Valley MLA Trevor Lunn, Chair of the
Lisburn City Council Road Safety Committee added: "Drink driving
is death driving. Thanks to the pro-active approach of the PSNI,
culprits will not get away with it.
"The culture in Northern Ireland is changing
and people know the carnage drink driving causes, but I am
pleased to see another strong police operation to combat this
Ulster Star