Pamela Ballantine (UTV) and Phillip
McCallen (Road Racing Legend) pictured at the Lisburn
Road Safety Evening at Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn last
Thursday (18th September) with L to R: Alderman Edwin
Poots MLA (Deputy Mayor), Councillor Andrew Ewing (Lisburn
Road Safety Vice Chairman), Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey
Donaldson and Councillor Trevor Lunn MLA (Lisburn Road
Safety Chairman).
Lisburn Road Safety Committee held a Road Safety Evening at
Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn last Thursday (18th September),
featuring motorcycling road racing legend Phillip McCallen and
local rising star of the rallying world Phillip Morrow. The
evening was compered by UTV celebrity presenter Pamela
Ballantine and also featured Jim Crozier (Senior Instructor -
Super Drive Rally School, Portadown) and representatives from
the PSNI, Fire and Rescue Service and Ambulance Service. During
an entertaining and informative evening, Councillor Andrew
Ewing, Vice Chairman of the Lisburn Road Safety Committee,
welcomed the two Phillips and thanked them for coming along and
promoting the road safety message that people cannot get away
with emulating road racing and rallying on open public roads. In
an interview with Pamela Ballantine, both stars talked about
their careers and how they got into their chosen motor sports.