Councillor Allan Ewart, Chairman
of Lisburn Council's Economic Development Committee;
Kashif ljaz, Colin Glen Forest Park Manager; The
Mayor Councillor Ronnie Crawford; Councillor James
Tinsley and Tim Duffy, Chief Executive of Colin Glen
Trust celebrate receiving Green Flag Awards for both
Castle Gardens Lisburn and Colin Glen Forest Park.
TWO of the three Northern Ireland parks which
have achieved the prestigious Green Flag Award for high
standards are in Lisburn. The accolades were presented to
representatives of the newly restored Castle Gardens and Colin
Glen Forest Park in Liverpool last Thursday.
Lisburn's Mayor Councillor Ronnie Crawford
and Economic Development Committee Chairman Councillor Alan
Ewart travelled to Merseyside to attend the ceremony after the
scheme was extended to Northern Ireland for the first time this
Speaking at the previous evening's council
meeting Mr. Ewart said it was felt the awarding of the prize to
Castle Gardens demonstrated the 'high quality of the restoration
work carried out'.
He also said it demonstrated staff's
commitment to delivering 'a full education programme in
partnership with the local community'. Congratulating the Colin
Glen Trust on its success, Mr. Ewart said they were 'equally as
pleased' with the recognition the Green Flag brought to the
facility. He also told councillors the application and judging
process had been' stringent'.
"The award scheme began in 1996 as a means of
recognising and rewarding the best green spaces in the country,"
he added.
"It was also seen as a way of encouraging
others to achieve the same high environmental standards creating
a benchmark of excellence in recreational green areas."
Mr. Ewart also said any green space freely
accessible to the public was eligible to enter for a Green Flag
Award and made it clear high standards must be maintained if
parks are to keep their green flags.
"Awards are given on an annual basis and
winners must apply each year to renew their Green Flag status,"
he said.
Northern Ireland's third Green Flag Award of
2008 went to Lurgan Park.
Ulster Star