OVER 80 members of 2nd Lambeg Scout Group
managed to collect over 60 large bags of rubbish along a 10 mile
length of the River Lagan recently as they took part in a
clear-up of the area.
the floods in August an amazing amount of rubbish had be
deposited along the river bank, and as users of the river for
kayaking and of the Tow Path for cycling and
walks; Cubs (aged 8 - 10), Scouts (aged 10 -14), Explorers (aged
14 -18)and Leaders from the group thought it would be a good
idea to help clear up the rubbish from the Tow Path and
accessible areas of the hank.
The clean up was suggested to the Lagan Valley
Regional Park based in Belfast, who liaised with local councils
and the Rivers Agency to organise it.
The group split into sections with the Cubs
clearing between the Union Lock at Sprucefield to the Coca Cola
Factory at Lambeg. Scouts cleared from the Coke factory to
Shaw's Bridge in Belfast and the Explorers from Shaw's Bridge
down beyond Belvoir Forest.
A small number of Beavers (aged 6 - 8) from
the group who are due to move up to Cubs at Christmas were
accompanied by their parents and helped the Cubs and Scouts.
The Clear up collected a wide variety of
rubbish including car wheels, Kayak paddles and large amounts of
plastic bottles and bags. The Clear up also helped the youth
participants gain there Environment Award. It is hoped that the
award will be presented in a couple of weeks by representatives
of Lagan Valley Regional Park.
Ulster Star